What is a testosterone analysis? When does the doctor order it?
Contents of the article
What is a testosterone analysis or male hormone analysis?
When does the doctor request a male hormone test?
What does a male hormone test measure?
Total male hormone analysis
Free male hormone analysis
Does testosterone analysis require fasting?
How is the male hormone analysis performed?
What is the normal level of testosterone in a man?
What are the results of the male hormone analysis?
You go to the doctor complaining of strange and incomprehensible symptoms, such as: lack of energy, weakness, depression, low sexual desire, and erectile dysfunction. He begins with a clinical examination, and in the end he asks you for several tests, most notably a testosterone or male hormone analysis. You become anxious, and wonder why he asked. Doctor this analysis? Does this mean that my manhood has been affected? And other thoughts that may make you feel nervous, but the following lines may help you understand the nature of the testosterone test, why the doctor requests it, how it is performed, and what its results indicate.
What is a testosterone analysis or male hormone analysis?
The testicles and adrenal gland produce testosterone, or known as the male hormone, which is a sex hormone responsible for masculine features in a man’s body, such as: body hair, face, and muscle mass. It also greatly controls sexual desire and mood, and helps in the formation of sperm.
Male hormone deficiency may occur naturally with age or as a result of health conditions, and may be accompanied by symptoms such as:
Erectile dysfunction.
Loss of sexual desire.
Decreased muscle mass.
Enlarged breasts, also known as gynecomastia in men.
However, these symptoms may indicate other conditions such as diabetes, etc.
High levels of the male hormone may occur if you take testosterone supplements to build muscle or if there is a tumor in the adrenal gland or testicle, and it is accompanied by the following symptoms:
Excessive hair growth on the face and body.
High blood pressure.
Increase sexual desire.
Increased appetite.
Aggressive behavior.
Therefore, the doctor usually recommends a testosterone test among a group of other tests to confirm the diagnosis and find out the reason behind the previous symptoms.
When does the doctor request a male hormone test?
The doctor usually recommends a male hormone test in the following cases:
If the patient complains of symptoms that may indicate a deficiency or high levels.
Delayed pregnancy, in this case it is required along with a semen analysis.
The patient is receiving testosterone treatments (the examination helps evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment).
The presence of a health problem that affects the level of hormones in the body, such as: thyroid problems.
After undergoing some types of cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation.
The doctor may also request a testosterone level test in cases of delayed puberty or very early puberty.
What does a male hormone test measure?
Most of the body's testosterone is bound to proteins in the blood, but some is found in free form.
The male hormone test measures two types of testosterone:
Total male hormone analysis
Total testosterone refers to protein-bound and free testosterone.
Free male hormone analysis
Free or active testosterone is testosterone that is not bound to proteins.
Testosterone testing helps determine whether the male hormone level is within the normal range.
Does testosterone analysis require fasting?
Most laboratories and doctors do not require fasting before performing a testosterone analysis. However, some studies have recently revealed that the results of testosterone levels may be significantly affected if you eat a meal before the test. Therefore, it is preferable to fast for six hours and only drink water before the test unless recommended. The doctor says otherwise.
You should also consult your doctor about the medications you are taking before performing the analysis, and they should not be stopped without asking him.
How is the male hormone analysis performed?
The level of testosterone in the blood is measured through the following steps:
The doctor or pathologist draws a blood sample from a vein in the arm, using a small needle.
The blood sample is kept in a designated test tube, and the sample is usually taken in the morning between 7 and 10 hours. During these hours, testosterone levels are highest, and it takes the least five minutes.
What is the normal level of testosterone in a man?
The normal range of total testosterone levels in males in the blood depends on their age, as we explain below:
Ages 19-49: 249-836 nanograms/dL.
Ages 50 and older: 193-740 nanograms/dL.
Male hormone levels in men usually decrease with age, and statistics indicate that approximately 50% of men over the age of 80 have low levels of testosterone.
What are the results of the male hormone analysis?
The results of the male hormone test help the doctor determine whether the hormone level is normal or not. The normal level of testosterone in the blood varies according to age, as we explained previously.
In general, a lower than normal level of testosterone may be the result of aging or one of the following conditions:
Chronic diseases.
Use of certain medications.
Genetic factors.
If testosterone levels are very high, it can indicate:
Tumor in the testicles or adrenal gland tumors.
Early puberty.
It is important to speak with the doctor to understand the test results and what they indicate. More tests may be needed to accurately diagnose the condition.
In conclusion, the male hormone test is an important test that does not require concern, as its low or high level can be treated in most cases. It is recommended to perform the test once a year in the case of diabetes, a family history of testosterone disorders, or in the case of obesity and other risk factors.
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