رواية جوازة والسلام الفصل الاول بقلم هاجر عمر حصريه وجديده Novel Passport and Peace, Chapter One
ارمل ؟!
عايزة تجوزينى ارمل يا ماما لا و مش بس كدا دا كمان اب ل 3 اولاد !
"كانت بتتكلم و ملامحها باين عليها الصدمة و الغضب "
"قربت منها و حطت ايدها على ضهرها بحنان"
هو بايده يا حبيبتي ان مراته ماتت
" بصتلها بصدمة و دموع محبوسة"
و انا ذنبى ايه ان اول بختى يكون واحد متجوز و أب ؟! ذنبى ايه ؟!
" وطت راسها بكسرة و سكتت"
" دموعها نزلت بكسرة "
ياااه ! للدرجادى الاجابة صعبة
" رفعت راسها و بصتلها بدموع "
يا حبيبتى انتى كبرتى كل ال قدك اتجوزوا و خلفو ما ينفعش تدلعى و تدللى على العرسان زى زمان .. البنت يا عين امك كل ما بتكبر فرصتها ف الجواز بتقل و انتى بقى عندك 28 سنة .. و العرسان مش زى زمان كل واحد بيفكر يتجوز بيجرى على واحدة صغيرة لسه ف التعليم .. هستنى لما تقعدى جنبى
" دموعها مغرقة وشها من الكلام ال بتسمعه من اقرب الناس ليها هى عارفة دا كله و سمعت من كتير سواء الجيران او زمايلها بس ما كانتش بتديهم اهتمام لكن ما اتوقعتش انها تسمع نفس الكلام من امها ال المفروض تقف جنبها و تقويها مش تجبرها حست بكسرة نفس اد ايه مجتمع غبى ال يربط جواز البنت بسن معين مجرد ما اتخطته يبقى تتصنف تحت بند العانس .. العانس ال مجتمع عقيم حطها و حددها بسن "
يااه يا ماما للدرجادى انا رخيصة ترمينى لاى واحد عشان خايفة من كلام الناس
" قاطعتها بسرعة"
قطع لسانى قبل ما يقول كلمة تجرحك مش قصدى والله يا قلب امك
" لجأت لسلاح الامهات و اتكلمت بحنان و مسكنة "
انا خايفة عليكى لا انا و لا ابوكى هنعشلك و اخواتك كل واحد ف بيته هييجى يوم و تلاقى نفسك وحيدة و انا مش عايزاكى تحسي ب كدا عايزة اشوفك ف عصمة راجل يآنس وحدتك و يحميكى و يكونلك عيل يشيلك لما تكبرى
" بدموع "
يعنى عشان قواعد حطها المجتمع اتجوز اى حد
" اتكلمت بهدوء و مسحت على شعرها"
و مين قال انه اى حد مؤيد راجل محترم و ابن ناس و عارف ربنا و انا متأكدة انه هيشيلك ف عنيه
" رفعت راسها و لسها هتتكلم قاطعتها بهدوء"
اقعدى معاه و اتكلموا و صدقينى هترتاحيله و هتتأكدى من كلامى هو جاى انهاردة بعد العشا صلى و اقعدى معاه و اللى ف الخير يقدمه ربنا
" سابتها و خرجت و هى رمت نفسها ع السرير و قعدت تعيط و تفكر ازاى اهلها يوافقوا يجوزوها واحد ارمل و اب .. قالولى ان ابنه عنده ست سنين .. ضحكت بسخرية .. اكيد كبير ف السن "
"مسحت وشها بايدها و رفعت وشها للسما "
يا رب نور بصيرتى يا رب
" قامت اتوضت و صلت المغرب و فضلت تصلى بعدها و تدعى ربنا انه يخفف على قلبها و تعيط لحد ما حست براحة .. خلصت صلاة و قامت تساعد امها لحد ما العشا اذنت و دخلت تصلى و هى بتلبس سمعت الجرس بيرن بدأت تتوتر و قلبها يدق جامد "
" حطت ايدها على قلبها و ضغطت عليه جامد"
اهدى انت مالك بتدق كدا ليه .. عريس زى اى عريس
" خدت نفس جامدت و خرجته "
" دخلت امها و بصتلها بحنان "
يلا يا هاجر تعالى خرجى العصير
" مشيت معاها بهدوء "
حاضر يا ماما
" دخلت بالعصير و عنيها ف الارض كان قلبها بيدق و مش فاهمة سبب التوتر بس حاسة براحة ما حستهاش قبل كدا "
السلام عليكم
و عليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته
" صوته فيها بحة مميزة حبيتها .. حطت العصير ع الترابيزة و قعدت جنب والدها كان بيتكلم مع ابوها و عرفت انه جاى لوحده حست انه شخصية اجتماعية واثق من نفسه و لبق ف الكلام دا كله ما كانش غريب عليها ان واحد ف سنه اكيد اكتسب خبرة مش غريب الشخصية دى على سنه و هنا اتاكدت انه كبير و اكيد ف اواخر التلاتين او على ابواب الاربعين
وصل تفكيرها لهنا و الحزن بان على وشها انا تتجوز واحد كبير عنها بعقد كامل او اكتر تفكير غير التفكير و اكيد عقليه مختلفة و هيبقى التفاهم بينهم صعب بسبب فرق العمر
فاقت من سرحانها على صوت والدها و هو خارج من الصالون عشان يسيبهم مع بعض
فضلت باصة للارض ما رفعتش راسها و سكون كامل ف الاوضة
" كرر انه يكسر الصمت دا و حمحم"
احمم هتفضلى باصة للارض كدا كتير
على فكرة دى رؤية شرعية يعنى من حقك تشوفينى و تسألى على ال انتى عايزاه
" .....
" اتعدل ف قعدته و اتكلم بهدوء"
طب انا هتكلم عن نفسي انا مؤيد مهندس كهربا بشتغل ف شركة و دخلى كويس .. طبعا انتى عارفة انى كنت متزوج قبل كدا و زوجتى اتوفت بعد زواجنا باربع سنين و سابتلى تلت اولاد يزن و يامن و سجدة
تحبى تسألى على اى حاجه ؟!
" دا كله بتسمعه من غير ما ترفع راسها و لا بصتله بس الغريب انها حستله براحه و كان عندها قبول انها تسمعه لحد ما سألها هزت راسها بنفى "
" قام وقف "
طب انا هستأذن و مستنى ردك و اتمنى انك توافقى
" سابها و خرج و هى قعدت تانى مكانها تفكر ف كلامه و احساسها و هى قاعدة معاه و ازاى كانت مرتاحة ليه بس كل ما تفتكر سنه و اولاده تزعل و تتلغبط قررت تنهى الصراع دا بانها تصلى استخارة ..
" خارجة من الصالون و قابلت والدها كان داخلها "
ها يا حبيبتي موافقة و لا لا ؟!
" اتكلمت بهدوء"
هصلى استخارة با بابا و ارد على حضرتك
" ابتسم " ماشي يا حبيبتي ربنا يريح قلبك با رب
" وطت على ايده باستها"
تسلم يا بابا عن اذنك
" دخلت اتوضت و صلت .. حست بعدها براحة بس خافت توافق فضلت طول الليل تصلى و صحيت تانى يوم حاسة براحة اكتر و انها موافقة "
" دخلت عليها والدتها"
صباح الخير يا حبيبتى
" ابتسمت " صباح الخير يا ماما
" قعدت جنبها و طبطبت عليها"
ها يا حبيبتي ايه الاخبار
" ابتسمت " اللى تشوفوه يا ماما
" بفرحة" يعنى موافقة ؟!
" ضحكت" ايوا يا ماما موافقة
" فضلت تزغرط و قامت حضنتها و راحت لوالدها تقوله ردها و بدوره كلم مؤيد و بلغه موافقتها .. فرح مؤيد و طلب منه ان كتب الكتاب يكون بعد يومين هاجر عرفت و اتصدمت و رفضت بس امها اقنعتها و فعلا جه معاد كتب الكتاب مؤيد بعتلها فستان رقيق جيراى و طرحة نفس اللون مع تاج رقيق و بعتلها ميكب ارتيست لبست و جهزت و كان جواها خوف و رهبه مع فرحة غريبة بعتولها تمضى مضت و جواها خوف كانت تتمنى تتراجع عن قرارها بس خلاص مضت و بقت مراته الكل بدأ يهنى و شوية و دخلها مؤيد اوضتها عشان يباركلها
كانت ضهرها للباب واقفة مرعوبة دخل بهيبته و بصلها و على شفايفه ابتسامة جانبية كلها ثقة
"دخل و قفل الباب و اتقدم منها بهدوء " مبروك يا عروستى
" حست بفرحة "
" بمشاكسة " هو انا شكلى وحش لدرجة انك مش عايزة تشوفينى؟!
"خافت تشوفه و تقطع فرحتها كانت بتحاول تتناسي سنه "
" قرب منها و لفها ليه " ممكن ترفعى عيونك
" بصتله و اتصدمت "
Novel Passport and Peace, Chapter One
Widower ?!
Do you want me to marry a widower, Mama? No, and not only that, he is also a father of 3 children!
“She was talking, her features showing shock and anger.”
“I approached her and put her hand on her back tenderly.”
It is in his hands, my love, that his wife died
“I looked at her in shock and holding back tears.”
What is my fault that my first fate is to be married and a father?! What is my fault?!
“She lowered her head and remained silent.”
"Her tears fell with a shudder"
Oh! For Dargadi, the answer is difficult
“She raised her head and shed tears.”
Oh my love, you have grown up, and all your people have gotten married and left behind. It is no use for you to spoil yourself and show off to grooms like in the past.. The girl, in the eyes of your mother, grows older, her chance of marriage decreases, and you are still 28 years old.. And newlyweds are not like in the past, everyone who thinks about getting married goes for a young woman who is still in education.. I will wait for you when you sit next to me
She was filled with tears and snorted at the words she was hearing from the people closest to her. She knew all of this and had heard from a lot, whether neighbors or her colleagues, but she did not pay them any attention. But I did not expect her to hear the same words from her mother, who was supposed to stand by her and strengthen her, not force her. She felt broken in her heart. What a stupid society that does not tie a girl’s marriage to a certain age once she has passedIt remains classified under the category of spinster..The spinster, a sterile society, has degraded her and limited her to age.”
Oh, dear mother, I am too cheap to throw at anyone because I am afraid of what people will say
"I cut her off quickly."
He cut off my tongue before he said a word that would hurt you. I did not mean it, I swear to God, your mother’s heart
“I resorted to the mothers’ weapons and spoke with tenderness and soothing.”
I am afraid for you. Neither I nor your father will provide you and your sisters with each other in his house. One day will come and you will find yourself alone, and I do not want you to feel like this. I want to see you in Ismat, a man who will relieve your loneliness and protect you and have a family to take care of you when you grow up.
"With tears"
I mean, because of the rules set by society, I can marry anyone
“I spoke calmly and stroked her hair.”
And who said that anyone who supports you is a respectable man, a son of people, and knows God, and I am sure he will take you out of his mind.
She raised her head and was still going to speak, but I interrupted her quietly.
Sit with him and talk, and believe me, you will feel comfortable with him and you will be sure of my words. He is coming today after dinner. Pray and sit with him. And what is good is provided by God.
“She left and left, and she threw herself on the bed and sat crying and thinking about how her family would agree to marry her to a widower and father. They told me that his son was six years old. She laughed sarcastically. He was definitely old.”
“She wiped her face with her hands and raised her face to the sky.”
O Lord, enlighten my insight, O Lord
“She got up, performed ablution, and prayed Maghrib, and continued to pray after that, praying to God to ease her heart, and she cried until she felt comfortable.. She finished praying and got up to help her mother until the evening prayer. She called out and went in to pray while she was getting dressed. She heard the bell ringing, and she began to get nervous, and her heart was beating loudly. "
She put her hand on her heart and pressed it firmly.
Calm down, why are you knocking like thisA groom like any groom
“I took a deep breath and let it out.”
“Her mother came in and looked at her tenderly.”
Come on, Hajar, come out and get the juice
“I walked with her quietly.”
Yes, mama
“She entered with the juice and her eyes were on the ground. Her heart was pounding and she did not understand the reason for the tension, but she felt a comfort that she had never felt before.”
And may the peace, blessings, and mercy of God be upon you
“His voice has a distinctive hoarseness that I love..She put the juice on the table and sat next to her father. He was talking to her father, and she knew that he had come alone. She felt that he was a social personality, self-confident, and tactful in all of this. It was not strange to her that a person at a year had certainly gained experience. It was not unusual for this personality to be a year old, and here she was certain. It is large and definitely in the late thirties or early forties
Her thoughts have reached here and she is sad that she is marrying someone who is a full decade or more older than her, thinking other than thinking and definitely a different mentality, and understanding between them will remain difficult because of the age difference.
She woke up from her excitement at the sound of her father's voice as he was leaving the living room to leave them together
I left a bus to the ground without raising its head and completely silent in the room
"He repeated, he broke the silence, and Hamham."
I swear, you will remain a bus to the ground like this
By the way, this is a legitimate vision, meaning you have the right to see me and ask what you want
“I adjust my seat and speak calmly.”
Okay, I will talk about myself. I am an electrical engineer who works in a company and has a good income.. Of course, you know that I was married before, and my wife died four years after our marriage, leaving me with three children: Yazan, Yamen, and Sajda.
Would you like to ask me anything?!
“She heard all of this without raising her head or looking at it, but the strange thing was that she took it in comfort and was willing to accept that she heard it until he asked her, but she shook her head in denial.”
"He stood up"
Okay, I will ask permission and I am waiting for your response, and I hope you agree
He asked her and left, and she sat back in her place, thinking about his words and her feelings while she was sitting with him, and how she was comfortable with him. But every time she thought about his age and his children, she became upset and upset. She decided to end this conflict by praying Istikhara.
“She left the salon and met her father who was inside.”
Ha, my love, do you agree or not?!
"I spoke calmly"
I will pray Istikhara with Baba and come back to you
“Smile,” okay, my love. May God comfort your heart
“She stepped on his hand with her fist.”
Thank you, Dad, with your permission
“I went in, performed ablution and prayed..I felt comfortable after that, but I was afraid that she would agree. She stayed praying all night and woke up the next day feeling more comfortable and that she was okay.”
“Her mother came in.”
Good Morning Baby
She smiled, “Good morning, Mama.”
“I sat next to her and stroked her.”
Hey, my love, what's the news?
“What do you see, Mama?” she smiled
“With joy” means agreement?!
She laughed, “Yes, Mama, I agree.”
She continued to bleat, and she hugged her and went to her father to tell him her response, and he in turn spoke to Muayyad and informed him of her approval.Muayyad was happy and asked him to write the book. It would be two days later. Hajar knew, and she was shocked and refused, but her mother convinced her, and in fact, someone came to write the book. Muayyad sent her a thin, gray dress and a veil of the same color with a thin crown, and he sent her makeup artist. She dressed and got ready, and there was fear inside her. Awe with a strange joy at her heart passed away, and inside her was a fear that she wished she would retreat fromHer decision, but that was it, she went away and became his wife. Everyone started to feel happy a little, and a supporter entered her room to bless herShe was standing with her back to the door, terrified. He entered with his dignity and grace, and on his lips was a confident smile.
He entered, closed the door, and approached her quietly. “Congratulations, my bride.”
"I felt happy"
"Brouhaha" Is it that I look so bad that you don't want to see me?!
“She was afraid to see him and her joy would be cut short. She was trying to forget his age.”
“Get close to her and wrap her around.” Can you raise your eyes?
"I looked at it and was shocked"
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